Initial Idea 1 :

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the field of computer science that deals with the development and programming of computers to be able to reason, to learn, to adapt and to be able to self-correct (Kok et al. (2009) pp.270-299). In essence it is the extension of human behavior and intelligence through the use of computers.

(Council of Europe, 2018)

There are many benefits of Artificial Intelligence, AI can perform difficult, complex work easily in a short period of time and faster than humans, for instance, complex math equations can be done in an instant, whereas it would take a longer time for a human. Computers, when programmed to can be more efficient than human and can perform multiple tasks at the same time. humans are prone to error unlike computers, which would perform a task in the most perfect way it is programmed to (Khanzode et al. (2020) 9(1) p.3). There are also areas that computers can explore that would almost mean certain death for a human, for instance, outer space and other planets. Artificial Intelligence also has some negative effects, for instance it would take a lot of money and capital to develop machines to near human intelligence not to mention the effect it will have on employment, computers would be performed tasks better than humans hereby increasing unemployment. The AIs are only as good or as creative as the programmers, this means it would take a really gifted programmer to develop these kinds of machines. Furthermore, if computers are used for all little task humans tend to get lazy, especially the younger generation.

Artificial Intelligence can be divided into levels or types, for instance, Reactive machines, Limited memory AI, Theory of mind, and self-aware AI. Reactive machines are the most basic form of AI, they have a simple architecture and do not learn anything. Limited memory AI refers to machines that are able to store previous data to make better predictions in the future and have a more complex architecture. theory of mind level is when the AI can interact with thoughts of humans or emotions, but it only goes one-way, as the AI is unable to respond back, examples of these are Alexa and Siri who will obey your every command without a response, this level is still in the beginning phases. Finally, we have the self-aware level, this is where the AI is aware of their existence and it goes beyond independent intelligence, this kind of AI is able to communicate with its creator/user (Betz, 2022). 

The Applications of Artificial Intelligence are a great many, for instance, in e-commerce, there is personalized shopping by recommendations from browsing history, AI-powered assistant like chatbot and also credit card fraud prevention. AI can be applied to education for instance, personalized learning, where the AI monitor's student activity to create study guides and lesson plans (Biswal, 2020). In our lifestyle, there are now some self-driving cars where machine learning is used to teach computers how to think and evolve like humans to avoid obstacles and collisions. Most of our gadgets use facial recognition, which is a technique using face filter to detect and identify to provide secure access.


Biswal, A. (2022) Top 14 artificial intelligence (AI) applications in 2022: Simplilearn. Available at: (Accessed: October 12, 2022).

Betz, S. (2022) 4 types of artificial intelligence, Built In. Available at: (Accessed: October 20, 2022).

Khanzode, K.C.A. and Sarode, R.D., 2020. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: A Literature Review. International Journal of Library & Information Science (IJLIS)9(1), p.3). 

Kok, J.N., Boers, E.J., Kosters, W.A., Van der Putten, P. and Poel, M., 2009. Artificial intelligence: definition, trends, techniques, and cases. Artificial intelligence1, pp.270-299.)

